New landscapes in cluster development are all about creating vibrant, sustainable and inclusive ecosystems that foster entrepreneurship, embrace digital technologies and connect globally.
Imagine clusters as little hubs of brilliance buzzing with innovation, where intellectual capital and talent thrive and new ideas spark creating the perfect environment for success.
The TCI Global Conference has consolidated over 26 years as a key international platform for discussing global trends on clusters and innovation ecosystems, exchanging collaborative experiences, getting inspired and engaging in the global cluster conversation.
This year, we travel to the stunning destination of Iceland, a country of vivid contrasts in climate, geography and culture for our 26th TCI Global Conference. Themed ‘New landscapes in cluster development’, we will address the current big challenges on climate change, renewable energy and regenerative development among others. And we will bring participants inspiration, learning and great connections to raise their network and international visibility.
The conference is organized by the Iceland Tourism Cluster, Iceland Renewable Energy Cluster, Iceland Ocean Cluster and Fintech Cluster with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Iceland, and in collaboration with the TCI Network, the leading global network of people and organizations working in clusters and innovation ecosystems.