Benefits of green laundry programmes, hotel case
Emphasis on green gains, not cost-savings is key
- Hotel in Bulgaria saves about € 2 400 annually through green laundry programme
- Option to reduce sheet and towel replacement for guests staying several days
Replacing bedding and bathroom laundry leads to significant energy and water consumption in every hotel. A typical room with 4 kg of laundry will require up to 60 litres of water. The Hotel Chateau Montagne in Bulgaria followed traditional practices, changing bedding and towels daily, even for customers staying several days.
An option is now provided to guests to change bedding and towels only once or twice a week, or on request, allowing customers to limit their indirect water consumption if they wish.
Key impact
Around 70 % of guests take up this environmentally positive option. There are three key points for implementing such reuse schemes:
- Clear information and instructions about laundry services provided to guests
- Sufficient towel racks in bathrooms so guests can hang their used towel, indicating their desire to reuse it
- Staff training and awareness
Additionally, guests of the hotel are more likely to participate in reuse schemes when they believe it is motivated by environmental protection and not cost-savings by the hotel. Referring to water, chemical and energy savings helps, but the best schemes invest laundry cost savings into wider environmental programmes – and convey this clearly to guests.
According to the hotel, for a room with 75 % occupancy year-round and 4 kg of laundry per room night, and at a laundry service cost of € 0.50 per kg, annual laundry costs would come to € 479. A reuse rate of just 5 % saves almost € 2 400 per year.
Green ideas for tourism, Laundry reuse programmes and laundry minimisation,