Better use of steam leads to cost savings

© Denis Starostin, image #157336501, source:


Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco
Investment cost:
High cost
High cost

Taming the steam

  • Food-maker gets control of its steam production with simple measures
  • Optimising boiler times and rationalising steam use in scalding and sterilisation saves 7 % and 3 % respectively

Steam is used in the food industry for a number of processes, both directly related to food production, such as blanching or steaming foods, and indirectly related activities like line cleaning. Producing large quantities of steam for heating and sterilisation can be very energy intensive.

One food producer decided to explore ways of reducing this energy burden. The main target of the company implementing energy optimising measures was to reduce costs by improved use of its steam system.

Key benefits

The company introduced a series of measures. The first was a relatively simple process of optimising the on/off times of the boiler in line with heat/steam needs. Using natural gas with a modulating burner improved energy efficiency by nearly 7 %.

A second measure concentrated on rationalising energy consumption in scalding and sterilisation units. An analysis identified ways to use the steam more effectively resulting in 3 % savings.

These measures combined generate a cost benefit for the food producer, justying its efforts to improve energy efficiency.

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