Call4ideas 6th edition of "Partnerships for Horizon Europe: smart cities projects"
Are you interested in Horizon Europe calls related to smart cities? are you building a consortium to present a proposal? are you searching for partners?
Join the 6th edition of P4HEU online event to have the opportunity to meet companies, research centres, universities, cities and other entities interested in presenting proposals to the Horizon Europe 2024-2025 calls linked to the smart cities' topics: mobility, safety, security, energy, tourism, and other related topics.
REGISTER HERE within the 15/05/2024 to be potentially selected to present your ideas and/or competences during one of the 2 main presentation mornings:
June 20th (9:00-13:00 CET): keynote speakers and presentations of project ideas and company competences.
June 21st (9:00-13:00 CEST): Panel of municipalities and presentations of project ideas and company competences.
The initiatives is organised by European Clusters to support their members and any other entity interested in the Smart Cities and Communities topics. SmartCommunitiesTech cluster, Clúster Digital de Catalunya, Romanian Cluster Association - CLUSTERO, Basque Mobility and Logistics Cluster, MLC ITS Euskadi, ICT Cluster Bulgaria, NextMove, Piemonte region's ICT Innovation Cluster (Polo ICT) managed by FPI, KI-NRW Germany, Smart City Cluster Spain and RAI Association from the Netherlands.
This edition is part of the CitiVerse Conference Programme