Capping materials and emissions at cap manufacturer

© photosiber, #91920022, 2017, source:


Sustainability Energy Carbon Waste Water Air Substances
Manufacture of rubber and plastic products Manufacture and repair of metal products, machinery and equipment
Associated cost savings: Energy
Co2 emission reduction:
1974.4 tonnes CO2 equivalent per year
Size of company:
Medium (less than 250)
Advancement in applying resource efficiency measures:

Putting a lid on energy losses

  • Spanish firm discovers a whole world of ways to save energy, materials and costs 
  • Its resulting measures earn it a prize at the European Business Award for the Environment

Ramondín Cápsulas produces several types of lids and caps for a range of products including tin capsules (its flagship product), laminate capsules, champagne capsules, PVC capsules and screw caps. Ramondín manufactures over 50 % of the world’s tin capsules. Headquartered in Álava, the company exports nearly 75 % of its production and has a presence in the principal wine and spirits producing countries (Australia, Chile, the USA, etc.).

Aware of its environmental impact, the company developed a plan to reduce its carbon footprint by controlling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through up-to-date information on the quantity of gases emitted. Ramondín Cápsulas obtained this information by using a carbon footprint calculator which informed its GHG-capping strategy.

The majority of its emissions (79 %) came from raw materials used during manufacturing (tin, aluminium and PVC), followed a long way behind by electricity use (9 %), and then product shipping (8 %).

After identifying the principal areas of improvement and factoring all options for reducing emissions, Ramondin Cápsulas developed a series of measures:

  • Partial (10 %) replacement of primary tin materials with secondary sources
  • Explore solar (renewable) energy options; i.e. installing equivalent of 6 500 m2 of collectors in different places to generate up to 250 kWp
  • Potentially using natural gas at the production facility instead of diesel oil and exploring the option to buy in 'green' energy
  • Reinforce energy efficiency plans in factory and offices
  • Option to use biodiesel in company vehicles
  • Develop campaign to encourage green commuting by staff

Other measures to improve resource efficiency and waste production explored include:

  • Replacing solvent-based ink by water-based ink in the production of tin capsules
  • Optimising consumption of leftover paints through reformulation and/or recovery
  • Applying eco-design criteria to minimise waste and packaging, and optimise manufacturing
  • Reducing water consumption and wastewater discharge
  • Reducing paper and toner consumption, improving the use of computer equipment

Key results

Implementing a package of measures, as illustrated above, led to:

  • 1 974 tonnes of CO2 saved
  • 25 % lower carbon footprint by using secondary materials
  • 20 % energy savings
  • 20% hazardous waste reduction
  • 50% less wastewater and significant water savings

Ramondín Cápsulas’s effort to improve resource efficiency and reduce GHG emissions and waste earned it a prize in the European Business Award for the Environment, in the Basque Country section.

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