Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)

© wutzkoh, #267249920, 2019, source:


General Waste Materials
Investment cost:
Low cost
Investment cost:
Creating a CBM solution will require an initial investment but not always a complete overhaul; many manufacturers can begin to implement condition-based maintenance solutions with existing equipment
Low cost
Resource savings: Energy:
For example, with optimised equipment performance it is possible to reduce the fuel/oil consumption and emissions with about 2-5 %

Condition Based Maintenance service (CBM) is based on the remote monitoring of key parameters and operational data to predict the state of equipment. A custom-made report is provided to the customer including, for example, engine health overview, equipment diagnostics, trending and predictions, maintenance advice, statistics of production and load profiles. The analytics are also useful for product development and can help further improve the lifetime of the equipment.

CBM helps to determine maintenance needs and avoids unnecessary replacement of parts. Other benefits of CBM include minimising system downtime and optimising the availability and productivity of the equipment.


  • Equipment parts are replaced according to real need instead of preventive scheduled replacements, which prolongs life of parts and decreases waste
  • With optimised equipment performance it is possible to reduce the fuel/oil consumption and emissions by about 2-5 %
  • Optimised scheduled and unscheduled maintenance saves unnecessary work
  • Unplanned stops or downtime can be reduced by 60-90 %
  • Customers receive decision support and actionable advice
  • CBM increases operational time by 15-20 %, adding to reliability and long-term predictability

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