Drones Beyond 2023, organized by Distretto Tecnologico Aerospaziale and Municipality of Bari, with the support of EUROCONTROL and UIC2, will be dedicated to understanding the capabilities of UAS to create services and develop new, more efficient value chains capable of developing smart cities. Drones Beyond 2023 aims to consolidate the image of the Apulian aerospace system at national and European level, showing new perspectives in the field of unmanned aircraft and Innovative Aerial Services, and qualifying the Grottaglie Airport Test Bed with its Bari Urban Drone Range component, as a technological pillar for the development and testing of UAS, innovative air services (IAS) and integrated technological solutions.
Drones Beyond is a powerful space for comparing between institutions, the research ecosystem, the aerospace industrial ecosystem, the training ecosystem and, above all, users and integrators of innovative air services.
The initiative aims to:
- Gather key industry representatives to discuss the strategic, technological, and regulatory evolution of cutting-edge aerospace segments, examining the reflections in the business models and value chains connecting technological offering and the demand for innovation;
- Demonstrate concrete operational experiences, innovative services and the level of maturity achieved.
- Connect innovative startups and SMEs with key European players in the sector.
- Promote the experimental capabilities of the ‘Bari Urban Drone Range’, urban node of the Grottaglie Airport Test Bed, within the European network of research and experimentation sites;
- Attract students and young entrepreneurs to the UAS industrial sector, highlighting the potential for development in terms of training, employment and business;
- Contribute to the process of accepting the use of these innovative technologies, showing their potential and usefulness for the community and citizens.
The main themes that will be addressed during the event are:
* Technologies that enable drones to fly and provide complementary services, including satellite technologies (Earth Observation, GNSS, SATCOM);
* Air traffic and navigation management functional to safely integrate drone operations (U-space, * ATM/UTM integration, creation of flight corridors for drones).
* The importance of developing test and demonstration sites for UAS and for solutions and services, with drones that can accompany the development phases, from prototyping to deployment in an operational environment, also including the regulatory tools to facilitate experimentation.
* The development of the infrastructures of the vertiports and their methods of operation;
* The innovative air services enabled by drone air operations (precision farming, surveillance, inspections, surveying, telecommunications support, aerial work…);
* Innovative air mobility (urban and regional).