The ECCP Helps the TCI Network to Support Cluster Development
The TCI Network is a 25-year-old non-profit organisation that works with 9,000 practitioners who work in cluster development in 110 countries.
The TCI Network’s key goal is to continue to inspire cluster organisations in their development processes and support cluster policy learning. Discussing the ECCP, Merete Nielsen, President of the TCI Network, states that it is an extremely useful tool that provides an overview of the cluster organisations around the world.
By registering, clusters can find peers in their sectors. Especially emerging from the pandemic, clusters must use new materials to support their ongoing strategic redirection. Many cluster managers and policymakers are interested in the green and digital transition. Companies are invested in these transitions and are looking for new business models and innovation projects. In this context, clusters can help to move these agendas forward.
In addition to this, globalisation is still very high on the agenda. While the pandemic has challenged global value chains, European cluster organisations have still been very active in reaching out to clusters in Australia and Taiwan, for example, even if it was digitally. There is also a lot of interest from European companies in Africa.
Going forward, the TCI Network will continue to work with the ECCP to support clusters in their green and digital transitions and in their recovery from the pandemic.