EcoEffect driver training programme
Driving for life... and the environment
- Trained eco-drivers reduced their CO2 emissions and fuel consumption by up to 20 % (longer-term improvements ranged from 7-10 %)
- 83 trainers and 2 315 drivers were trained, leading to 7 731 tonnes of CO2 saved
The EcoEffect project (2011-2013) helped to build capacity and stimulate the market for eco-driving (energy efficient driving) training in the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania. Two training modules were developed within the project: the Eco-Driving Programme (EDP) and a Train-the-Trainer Programme (TTP).
Companies taking part in the EcoEffect programme saw, on average, 15 % fuel savings. The Romanian company Holleman Project & Cargo, an international hauler, participated in both the TTP and EDP. After the TTP experience, Holleman rolled out its own EDP course for drivers, making use of the EcoEffect training kit. Meanwhile, the company Enkoping (65 trucks, 10 small pickups, 62 trolleys and 95 drivers), saved € 15 000 on tyre and brake maintenance, 80 000 litres of diesel, worth around € 96 000 at the time, and produced 690 fewer tonnes of CO2, which meant a return on investment in under two months.
Drivers undertaking the EDP managed to reduce their CO2 emissions and fuel consumption by up to 20 % directly after the training and 7-10 % over the long term. Road safety was also improved, thanks to the training programme. During the project, 83 trainers and 2 315 drivers were trained, resulting in CO2 savings of 7 731 tonnes and fuel cost savings of around € 3.5 million, or more than € 600 per driver, per year.
Key benefits
In the courses, drivers learned how to anticipate what is coming up on the road, avoiding unnecessary acceleration and braking, reducing fuel costs. They discovered what technology is available, including access to a web-application to analyse their fuel consumption. They also gained advanced driver skills and new techniques to reduce vehicle wear and tear, resulting in lower maintenance costs, reduced travel times, and safer vehicles.
EcoEffect project, IRU website,