Energy saving in boiler performance - burner fuel combustion and air control

© Ilya Rumyantsev, image #116093630, 2017, source:


Energy Carbon
Investment cost:
High cost
Cost savings:
Annual: € 283 400 (£ 260 000)
Investment cost:
€ 218 000 (£ 200 000) per project; the scale of the project is based on heating demand; maintenance is minimal if correctly installed; risks are minimal upon installation
High cost
Resource savings: Energy:
Annual: reduced gas consumption; 8 666 667 kWh or 1 598 567 kg CO2 equivalent

Case for dual burners

Installation of dual fuel burners to replace heavy oil burners, with the aim of increasing fuel-heat effectiveness and avoiding radiation heat loss, among others.

Steam and high-temperature hot water (HTHW) boilers is a category of technologies commonly used in industrial sectors and in some applications in public and commercial organisations. HTHW boilers are very energy intensive and therefore offer many opportunities for energy and cost savings.

The Carbon Trust anticipates potential low-cost, medium-cost, and longer-term savings achieved in boiler performance and steam distribution, as well as combustion efficiency, heat transfer efficiency, and boiler heat loss (or thermal integrity) for efficiency maintenance.

EAUC-Scotland and Resource Efficient Scotland (RES), Energy Efficiency Technologies Catalogue,…

Carbon Trust, Steam and high temperature hot water boilers,…

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