Support Programme
EWE - Energy efficiency in enterprises
All sectors
financial support
Target group:
All types of companies and organisations
Where is this support available:
Under this programme, support is given to investments aimed at improving energy efficiency, as well as technological changes in the existing facilities, installations and technical equipment, including: technologies rationalising energy and heat consumption, modernisation of industrial processes in the field of energy efficiency, implementation of energy quality and management systems, as well as implementation of power network management systems in enterprise facilities.
To apply for a loan, enterprises need to meet the following requirements:
- The annual average amount of energy (total of electricity and heat) consumed by the applicant enterprise is not less than 2 KWH in the year preceding the submission
- Applications for increasing energy efficiency are conditional on an earlier energy audit (performed in accordance with the Energy Audit Preparation Recommendations on the NFEPWM website), in at least one of the categories below
- In the case of investments related to the heating network, after its completion the heating system must comply with the 'effective heating system' definition specified in the Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency, amending Directives 2009/125/EC and 2010/30/EU and repealing Directives 2004/8/EC and 2006/32/EC (for loans on preferential terms)The project offers loans for the purchase of new technologies increasing the efficiency of energy and heat consumption in enterprise facilities
- The project offers loans for the purchase of new technologies increasing the efficiency of energy and heat consumption in enterprise facilities.
Audit categories
- Energy audits of industrial buildings
- Energy audits of internal heating networks
- Energy audits of heat, electricity and cold sources
- Energy audits of technological processes
- Electricity audits: optimisation of electricity consumption in buildings, installations and internal transmission networksThe investment project must result from the recommendation of an energy audit (verified by NFEPWM at the stage of applications evaluation for co-financing, and the energy savings must not be lower than 5%).