Flat belt drives

© vectori1, image #137514821, 2017, source: Fotolia.com


Investment cost:
High cost
Cost savings:
Annual: € 774 (£ 710)
Investment cost:
€ 6 663 (£ 6 113) per project; scale of project based on fan rating; the application of flat belt drives becomes less cost-effective at lower pulley diameters (e.g. less than around 750 mm), but can generally still achieve payback in a few years; no additional maintenance requirements
High cost
Resource savings: Energy:
Annual: reduction in motor power consumption; 7 899 kWh or 3 952 kg CO2 equivalent

Flat belt drives are simple mechanisms that enable power from a rotational power source (e.g. electric motor or combustion engine) to be transferred to rotating machinery. Previously, flat belt drives had problems (especially with high tension and alignment). However, improved designs and advances in materials now mean that both low and high-power transmission is efficient using flat belt drives.

Compared to V-belt drives, flat belt drives are 2.5-3 % more efficient, and investment costs can be recouped in a few years. The advantages of using flat belt drives are:

  • Higher efficiency
  • Better service life
  • Simple to install securely and tension accurately using simple measuring marks on the belt

There are different types of flat belt drives suitable for diverse applications: small woven semi-elastic endless flat belts, non-stretch endless, or higher power flat belts.

It is important to make sure that the belt is operated at the recommended tension, it is essential for optimum energy efficiency and should be checked routinely.

EAUC-Scotland and Resource Efficient Scotland (RES), Energy Efficiency Technologies Catalogue, http://www.sustainabilityexchange.ac.uk/energy_efficiency_technologies_…

Carbon Trust, How to implement flat belt drives, https://www.carbontrust.com/media/131496/ctl024_how_implement_direct_fl…

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