Installation of frequency inverters for electric motors

©industrieblick, image #53665632, 2017, source:


Investment cost:
High cost
Cost savings:
There was no reduction or increase in operating costs
High cost
Size of company:
Medium (less than 250)
Advancement in applying resource efficiency measures:

Ageing induction motor got an overdue upgrade

  • Upgrading VSH’s 45-year-old electric induction motors yielded results
  • Reduced energy consumption of ~388 GJ, saving € 34 567 yearly
  • Investment in motor efficiency controllers will pay for itself within 3 years   

The Czech company VSH produces and sells building materials, including a cement plant which was built in 1973.

In need of an upgrade, the cement plant’s ageing electric induction motors were equipped with efficiency controllers (frequency inverters) which adapt the load and volume.

A motor efficiency controller (MEC) reads the situation, reducing power during lighter loads and increasing it as and when needed, while keeping the motor running at a constant speed.

Key results

This energy saving measure cost the company € 99 405 to set up. The yearly energy saved is estimated at around 388 GJ, which works out to around € 34 567.

There has been no observed reduction or increase in operating costs. The company believes it will be able to recoup the initial investment in under three years.

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