Interconnected Innovation Ecosystems (2023.3) (HORIZON-EIE-2023-CONNECT-03-01)
In line with the New European Innovation Agenda’s flagship on accelerating and strengthening innovation in European Innovation Ecosystems across the EU and addressing the innovation divide, this action is intended to create connected Regional Innovation Valleys (RIVs) across the European Union (EU), involving regions with lower innovation performances, by building on strategic areas of regional strength and specialisation (defined in their smart specialisation strategies), in support of key EU priorities.
The European Commission dedicated EUR 122 million under Horizon Europe (European Innovation Ecosystems) and under the European Regional Development Fund (Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument).
Therefore, the European Commission has launched complementary calls for proposals on 17 May 2023 under the Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument and the European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE) part of Horizon Europe.
For further information about the Interregional Innovation Investments Strand 1 call, please visit this page, and for the Interregional Innovation Investments Strand 2a call visit this page.
Interconnected Innovation Ecosystems (2023.3)
Target group(s)
The topic is primarily focused on the regional aspects of innovation and targeted at national and/or regional innovation authorities. Other relevant entities should participate in the consortia as associated partners (such as research institutions, public authorities, universities, companies, clusters, innovation intermediaries, etc.).
The aim of this topic is to foster the creation of efficient, open, inclusive and interconnected European innovation ecosystems in line with the New European Innovation Agenda, notably in thematic/technological areas (including deep tech) that will be critical for EU value chains. It will also contribute to the twin green and digital transition and a resilient society, and to the net-zero objective, particularly in the areas of reducing reliance on the fossil fuels, increasing global food security, mastering the digital transformation (including cybersecurity), improving healthcare, and achieving circularity.
The topic will support strategically oriented long-term programmes of activities (action plans) to enable authorities in charge of public national, regional, or local innovation policies and programmes, with the participation of the private sector and research and innovation actors, to implement joint activities towards innovation development and deployment, aimed at tackling challenges at EU, national, regional, and local level.
Deadline to apply is: 17 October 2023, 17:00 CET.
Apply here
Info session
An information session on the calls targeted at eligible applicants will be organised online on 25 May 2023, at 09:30-12:00 CET.