Introducing energy efficient compacting and baling equipment

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Energy Carbon Waste
Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery Cross-cutting
Investment cost:
High cost
Cost savings:
As above for 'waste' savings
Payback time:
Depends on the amount of waste, a return on investment of one to two years is not uncommon [3]
High cost
Co2 emission reduction:
Lower waste volume means fewer garbage trucks or trips and lower emissions
Size of company:
Micro (less than 10)

Waste management is a big part of business operations which is often overlooked in terms of potential environmental and business benefits.

Compactors crush waste into a smaller volume, allowing more waste to be collected in the same bin and reducing the time dedicated to moving waste around. Baling can further help by automatically tying the waste into bundles that are ready for disposal.

The equipment needed for compacting and baling is relatively easy and safe to use, and it saves time and money spent on internal waste management. It also saves space needed for storing waste and the effort involved in collecting, processing and recycling it. Different types and scales of equipment are available which cater for all business sizes and waste processing needs.

Compacting and baling waste also means less landfill and lower volumes of waste being transported which, in turn, results in lower carbon emissions.

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