Invitations to submit a proposal to the organisations representing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and societal stakeholders in standardisation activities
A call under the Standardisation strand of the SMP (SMP-STAND-2023-A3-AG-OG-IBA) to support the participation of experts representing interests of SMEs in the EU standardisation process
This call aims to facilitate and support the participation of experts representing background and interests of SMEs and societal and social stakeholders in the standardisation process, especially in the European context where European standards play a very important role in supporting EU legislations and EU policies.
The following beneficiaries are identified for funding under this invitation to submit a proposal:
- Small Business Standards (SBS)
- The European Association for the Co-ordination of Consumer Representation in Standardisation (ANEC)
- The European Environmental Organisation for Standardisation (ECOS)
- The European Trade Union Confederation (CES ETUC)
The grants will be awarded under the four following topics:
Topic 1. SMP-STAND-2023-3-AG-IBA-SBS - Support to organisations representing SMEs interests in standardisation activities
Topic 2. SMP-STAND-2023-3-OG-IBA-ANEC - Support to organisations representing consumer interests in standardisation activities
Topic 3. SMP-STAND-2023-3-OG-IBA-ECOS - Support to organisations representing environmental interests in standardisation activities
Topic 4. SMP-STAND-2023-3-OG-IBA-ETUC - Support to organisations representing social interests in standardisation activities
Deadline for submission: 16 May 2023
Available budget: € 5,774,000
More information is available here.