Making money out of waste in Germany

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Sustainability Waste
Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery Cross-cutting
Investment cost:
Low cost
Low cost
Size of company:
Small (less than 50)

Waste not, want not

  • Experts pointed out ways for the company to convert its waste into a money earner
  • Selling, rather than simply giving or throwing away, waste could earn € 36 500 per year

Chemotechnische Abpack-Service GmbH (CAS) is a small company from Germany, which offers packaging and filling services for various liquid products. Typically, the plant fills materials like silicone, polyurethane, polysulfide, epoxy resin, colour paste and lubricants in tubes, cartridges, tins and foil bags. Their customers are mainly from the automotive industry, but also the construction, aeronautics, glass, wood and metal sectors.

The firm has largely ignored its waste and the possibilities for segregating and selling different parts instead of outright disposal; some was given away free of charge, some picked up for fee.

Key benefits

Following advice from experts and market analysis, CAS realised it could sell waste for some € 36 500 per year. The take-home message for CAS is that waste should not be treated as a burden but a potential source of income, especially when it comes to different types of waste.

Effizienznetz Rheinland-Pfalz, Kosten Sparen durch ressourceneffiziente Abfallentsorgung,…

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