Last update date 7 December 2022

Description of measure

The Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure & Capital Projects and the University of Malta’s Corporate Research and Knowledge Transfer Office, created a fund called ‘The Maritime Proof of Concept Fund’, which facilitates innovation and the creation of science-based business ideas in the marine field through research in the University of Malta aiming for commercialisation. The aim is to encourage and financially support academics, entrepreneurs, and students in developing innovative ideas into business concepts through collaborations with several kinds of actors. This fund, which is allocating a total of EUR 100,000 towards innovative initiatives in the maritime sector, is a Government budget measure and offers every project up to a maximum of EUR 20,000. The main beneficiaries are companies of the maritime industry but clusters can also be beneficiaries.

Territorial validity
Thematic Priority
Recommendations of the EU expert group on clusters
Strategic challenges
Type of cluster support