CBP_TRL ladder LinkedIn post


Key steps and crucial data to be generated to demonstrate investment readiness of industrial biotech products and processes: a walk along the TRL ladder
Webinar of the MPowerBIO Cluster Capacity Building Programme for European clusters active in the bioeconomy.

About the event:

  • Know which technical steps are necessary to make a biotech idea industry-attractive
  • Understand the scale and operational requirements for pilot and demo trials
  • Understand the key differences between developing a process, a product and, among products, the difference between low added value and high added value products.

Industrial Biotech research results leave the laboratory at a highly immature stage when investment readiness is considered. Key piloting and validation steps are necessary to make industrial biotech products and processes attractive for prospective end users and investors. The course will outline the different required steps, depending if the innovation is related to a specific product or a process. The necessary features, scale and output data of pilot and demo trials will be discussed.

The MPowerBIO project is coordinated by Food & Bio Cluster Denmark and has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 887501. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Bio Based Industries Consortium. 

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