Nordic Swan ecolabel underpins Estonian print company

©, #23860339, 2018, source:


Sustainability Energy
Printing and reproduction of recorded media
Investment cost:
Medium cost
Medium cost
Size of company:
Small (less than 50)

Remember to read the 'green print'! 

  • Printing company with a robust eco-philosophy reeps benefits in Nordic market
  • Natural inks, oils and recycled paper are a key part of the green printing approach

AS Ecoprint is an Estonian printing service company offering graphic design, offset printing and wide-format digital printing services. It was founded in 2007 as a merger of three printing and graphic design companies. Ecoprint’s clients are mainly companies and organisations in the Estonian and Scandinavian markets.

A part of its corporate social responsibility mission, the company strives to be the most environmentally friendly print partner in Estonia and neighbouring countries. It uses printing inks based on natural resins and oils as well as recycled or certified printing paper and energy efficient technologies. Printing services have been developed in line with the Estonian Fund for Nature and Ecoprint AS has registered a Green Print trademark to communicate this on their products.

Since April 2010, the company has also carried the Swan ecolabel, which is certified in the Nordic countries, and has a right to use it on all company products. This offers a significant competitive advantage in Nordic markets.

Key benefits

  • The Nordic Swan ecolabel proves to consumers and suppliers the environmental merits of a company, and helps them choose environmentally sound products
  • The label offers competitive advantage on the Nordic markets

AS Ecoprint,

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