Support Programme
Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPAnEK)
The “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (EPAnEK) Operational Programme pivotal strategic objective is to enhance the competitiveness and extroversion of enterprises, to facilitate transition to quality entrepreneurship with innovation and the growth of domestic added value as the cutting edge.
The programme focuses primarily on particular sectors of the economy, such as tourism, energy, agri-food, the environment, the supply chain, information and communication technologies, health and the pharmaceutical industry, creative and cultural industries, materials - construction.
EPAnEK is structured around the following main Priority Axes:
- Enhancing entrepreneurship with sectoral priorities (2,367.8 million Euros total budget);
- Adaptability of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurial environment to the new development requirements (849.9 million Euros total budget);
- Development of mechanisms to support entrepreneurship (1,360.9 million Euros total budget).
Some specific calls support actions aimed at improvement of SMEs competitiveness by investing on production upgrading and also in adapting standardization and procedure qualifications - which may include also investment into more resource efficient equipment.