Support Programme


Operational Programme Competitiveness - Romania

All sectors
financial support
Target group:
All types of companies and organisations
Energy Materials
Where is this support available:

The main objective of the programme is to increase the capacity of Romania's national research, development and innovation (RDI) system in order to support economic competitiveness and business development.

The programme focuses on two main priorities:
• RDI supporting economic competitiveness and business development (total budget € 952.57 million)
• Information and communication technologies (ICT) for a competitive digital economy (total budget € 630.2 million)

The main direction of investment in RDI is to build a more compact and modern R&D environment that focuses on businesses' needs. The programme seeks to reinforce the RDI resources and infrastructure, boost private investment, develop centres of excellence, strengthen the links between businesses and research institutions, and stimulate the creation of networks and clusters for developing new products and services.

In the area of ICT, the programme covers four main areas for development:

  • E-government, interoperability, cyber-security, cloud computing and social networks
  • Use of ICT in education, health, social inclusion and culture
  • E-commerce, clusters and developing innovation through ICT
  • Further deployment of the broadband infrastructure for the whole country

Total funding for the programme is € 1 329 787 234.