Optimised cleaning-in-place for bottled water industry
Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco
Size of company:
Small (less than 50)
Advancement in applying resource efficiency measures:
Just take a CIP!
- Project targets fresh water rationalisation in production processes
- Case-by-case system design is critical to developing successful CIP solutions
The EU-funded AquaFit4Use initiative explored news ways to help industries rationalise their use of fresh drinking water in production processes. The project looked into water-saving cleaning-in-place (CIP) solutions according to a number of key parameters, called the 5 Ts), which ensure the effectiveness of the system:
- Turbulence or flow velocity in all parts of the system being cleaned
- Time taken in each step of the CIP procedure
- Temperature of the cleaning solutions and water at the beginning and end of the circuit
- Titration or chemical concentration in the supply tanks and circuits
- Technology and design of the CIP station, network, and complete water lines (from well to filler)
Key results
The key conclusions identified by AquaFit4Use, include:
- Principles of hygienic design must be respected (e.g. via deploying material that can withstand mechanical, thermal and chemical actions, pipes designed to 'self-drain', thus avoiding dead-ends and bottlnecks in connections, etc.)
- Case-by-case system design should be based reuse principles and chemical recovery equipped, with required monitoring tools
- Reduced water consumption through optimisation, e.g. shorter rinse times and/or reusing rinse water for other industrial purposes
Material about this the case study can be found at the aqua4fit project website