Procuring energy efficient computers
Computer comparison test
- Energy efficient computer is 7 % cheaper in terms of overall procurement costs
- Slightly higher investment costs are recuperated in one year
- Energy efficient model reduces CO2 emissions by around 32 %
Comparing conventional verses energy efficient computer models, businesses can get an idea of not only the environmental benefits, but also the cost-savings.
The conventional computer chosen for the comparison test had an i3-4130 Intel Core Processor costing around € 400. The green certified (Blaue Engel) computer model had an energy efficient processor costing around € 390. Both models were within the minimum requirements of the EU's Eco-design Directive for computers and computer servers.
Yearly procurement costs of the conventional model with the regular processor came to € 130, plus an additional € 52 for energy usage. The yearly procurement costs of the energy efficient model were € 135 and energy costs of only € 32.
Key benefits
Even though the investment costs were higher, the energy efficient computer was 7 % cheaper in terms of overall procurement costs, and the energy savings off-set the investment cost within a year and cut CO2 emissions by around 32 % (41 kg of CO2 equivalent).