Quality and environmental certification: Nordic Swan Ecolabel

© Motiva Services Oy


Sustainability Carbon
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Micro (less than 10)

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is a voluntary certification scheme that evaluates a product's impact on the environment throughout its whole life cycle. The label guarantees, among other things, that climate requirements are taken into account, and that CO2 emissions and other harmful gasses are limited, where it is most relevant.

By buying Nordic Swan Ecolabelled products and services, consumers can contribute to a more sustainable environment, and be among the millions of people in the Nordic market who make more climate-friendly choices. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is comprehensive, which means that the whole life cycle of the product and all its related environmental issues are considered in the criteria. Climate considerations are thus a key element of the assessment.

Criteria linked directly to climate include the use of fossil fuels or energy consumption during manufacture. In other criteria, the requirements can be less obvious, such as vehicle tyres, where the requirement for low-rolling resistance leads to lower fuel consumption, which in turn reduces the impact on the climate.

There are 63 product groups within the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. A company can apply within any of these product areas. Once certified, the company may then use the label while marketing its product or service. National offices in each of the Nordic countries grant licences, so it is a good idea to contact them before beginning the application process.

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