Reduce office waste and gain a competitive advantage
Investment cost:
Low cost
Low cost
Size of company:
Micro (less than 10)
About 70 % of office waste is recyclable. As recycling is generally cheaper than other disposal routes, ensuring you effectively recycle can save your organisation money. To set up an effective and convenient recycling system, you will need to analyse quantities and types of waste you produce (see fact sheet Monitoring material streams). Once you have established this, here are some actions that will help your organisation recycle more effectively.
- Install central waste disposal and recycling points: Research has shown that people are more likely to use a recycling bin correctly when it is located next to a general waste bin. This will also reduce the likelihood of contamination as workers are less likely to put non-recyclable material into the recycling bins. Use clear bags as liners for the recycling bins so that your cleaners and other staff can monitor and report on contamination levels, allowing recurring problems to be addressed.
- Provide colour-coded bin labels and posters: Engaging employees in recycling requires clear direction. Clear signage should be added to the recycling points, reflecting the colour coding used to segregate the waste. The signage should be specific about which materials are accepted in the recycling containers and which materials should be excluded.
- Remove individual waste bins: When individual waste bins are removed, it becomes easier to recycle because the temptation to dispose of recyclable materials into a general waste bin is removed.
- Communicate with staff: One of the toughest jobs for any organisation trying to reduce and manage waste is getting staff to recycle. To be successful, a recycling scheme must have three essential ingredients: management backing to introduce effective recycling policies and procedures; the correct means to act, such as easy-to-use recycling facilities; and clear and easy-to-find guidelines on what to do and why.
Once you have set up your recycling points, consider undertaking the following tasks:
- Nominate a ‘recycling champion’ to assist and monitor waste disposal: The proper use of recycling facilities should be encouraged and awareness continually reinforced to prevent future contamination. Visual checks of recycling and waste bins will determine how well the system is working, i.e. there should be minimal recyclable materials in the general waste. Monitoring of waste and recycles will also highlight areas of wasteful behaviour and opportunities for waste prevention (see fact sheet Improving paper consumption)
- Engage with your waste contractor: Talk to your waste contractor to make sure you have the right waste contract for your organisation’s needs. In some cases, you may be able to negotiate income or discounted collection from selling your waste material.