Refurbishment with energy efficient lighting

©vladimirfloyd, image #72421384, 2017, source:


Energy Carbon
Construction Cross-cutting
Investment cost:
Low cost
Cost savings:
Industry: average savings 20-30%, maximum savings 70% Service and trade: average savings 15-25%, maximum savings 70%
Low cost
Associated cost savings: Energy
Co2 emission reduction:
Annual CO2 emission reduction depends on application (building area: 1000 m³, electricity rate: 0,14 €/kWh, annual operating hours: 3000 h, age of lighting system actually used 5-10 years or > 25 years) [2]: office building: 5816 kg CO2 (5-10 years); 2003
Size of company:
Micro (less than 10)

Any standard lighting system combines a lamp and a luminaire. Advances in technology have significantly improved the energy efficiency and performance of today’s lighting solutions.

Modernising lighting systems should be a priority refurbishment option, and offers several advantages:

  • Increased employee comfort and productivity
  • Reduced lighting energy use and costs
  • Reduced excess heat in buildings
  • Reduced CO2 emissions
  • Improved light quality and experience using fewer fixtures
  • Cost-benefits in terms of maintenance and installation

Before embarking on an upgrade, audit the current lighting system in terms of its application (production floor, office building, storage area, amenities, etc.) and parameters (illumination level, reflection and shadows, room height, etc.). This helps you design a more efficient system matching your exact needs.

A refurbishment like this is also an ideal opportunity to install or upgrade the light management system (daylight control, dimmable system, motion control).

Replacing or changing current lamps with more efficient options like LEDs should also be part of your energy transition. Check the labels for their efficiency rating and seek guidance on the illumination quality in view of the needs identified in the audit.

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