Refurbishment with water-saving sanitary installations
Older, more conventional sanitary installations can often easily be replaced by water-saving equipment. This cuts back on both fresh water consumption and sewage levels.
Toilets can be equipped with water-saving WC pans and flushing devices. Taps and shower heads can be replaced with smart water-saving models. For the valves, an automatic shut-off or full automation is recommended. Depending on the age and type of fixtures in your building, installing these measures should be quite simple. For instance, flow regulators for taps and shower heads require little expertise and changing WC-pans can be done with moderate to low investment.
The overall benefit is a significant reduction in sanitary water consumption and effluence on your property (more than 40 % by some estimates).
These measures also reduce demand and resulting energy needed to produce hot water for wash basins and showers by 40 % or more. The refurbishment of sanitary installations can be a first, easy step towards a highly water-efficient company that minimises its fresh water consumption, uses rainwater and recycles second-hand or ‘grey’ water.