Support Programme
Regional Operational Programme
The Regional Operational Programme (ROP) aims at promoting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in all regions in Romania, making them more attractive places in which to live and work. The programme addresses the major development challenges for Romania: regional competitiveness, sustainable urban development, the low-carbon economy, and economic and social infrastructure at regional and local levels.
The programme focuses on the following funding priorites:
• Supporting transfer of technology and innovation take up by SMEs in areas for smart specialisation
• Enhancing SME competitiveness focusing on Romania's high-growth economic sectors
• Promoting the low-carbon economy through investments in energy efficiency in buildings, public lighting and sustainable multimodal urban mobility
• Supporting sustainable integrated urban development and regeneration of deprived urban areas
• Developing cultural heritage and tourism as drivers for local economic development
• Improving regional connectivity
• Investing in health, social, and education and training infrastructure in support of national reforms
• Extending the registration of land tenure
Total budget for the programme is € 6.7 billion.