Support Programme


Rural Development Programme of Cyprus

Food processing Other
financial support
Target group:
Energy Water Waste
Where is this support available:

The Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020 of Cyprus includes sub-programmes, under which resource efficiency-related measures can be supported. They can include:

  • Climate Smart Agriculture - investments from €5.000 to €80.000 aiming to promote the rational water management, energy production from renewable and agricultural waste management.
  • Modernization of agricultural and livestock farming units - investments with the range of expenditures of €15.000 in mountainous areas and €30.000 in all other areas.

The grant is provided at 40% of eligible investment cost. For producers groups, enterprise partnerships and mergers (consisting of at least two groups/enterprises), the grant can reach 60% of eligible investment cost.

The eligible applicants include existing and new enterprises engaged in the processing, trading and/or development of agricultural products covered by Annex I of the Treaty of the European Union, except fishery products, wine and vinegar.