Support Programme
Service Innovations Initiative
The aim of the Service Innovations Initiative, within the FFG's General Programmes, is to raise awareness of research and development in the service industry and for services as added value in traditional industries. Opening research funding to non-technological innovation is crucial for supporting R&D in services, helping to boost the competitiveness of companies based in Austria by funding the development of hybrid products, processes and services.
Applications are accepted for diverse research topics, industry types, and company/project sizes. Funding is for maximum 50 % of total eligible project costs (up to max. 70 % for start-ups).
Submission is possible at any time and funding is carried out by non-repayable subsidies (small companies up to max. 45 %, medium-sized companies up to max. 35 % and major companies up to max. 25 %). The evaluation is carried out according to General Programme criteria and some additonal guidelines for Service Innovations funding.