Seven-day time heating-control
According to the Carbon Trust, heating can account for as much as 60 % of total energy use, yet a large proportion of the energy consumed by heating is likely to be wasted due to incorrect control settings. Notably, lowering heating temperatures by just 1º C can save 8 % on fuel consumption, and heating costs can increase by 15 % or more if boilers are poorly operated or maintained. Optimum heating systems can lead to significant cost savings
Seven-day time heating-control means temperature can be adapted according to expected occupancy during the week. It is a useful tool to cut energy bills and reduce inefficient and unnecessary indoor heating. Time controls specify when the heating should come on and for how long. As such, they ensure that the system operates at the best times in terms of building occupancy and requirements. For optimal heating, they should be combined with boiler (heating system) controls, and temperature controls.
EAUC-Scotland and Resource Efficient Scotland (RES), Energy Efficiency Technologies Catalogue,…
Carbon Trust, Heating control,