Sustainable wastewater treatment chemicals in a dairy

© Andy Shell, #173888447, 2019, source:


Substances Waste Water
Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco
Investment cost:
Low cost
Payback time:
Payback time varies from case to case, but a company could achieve savings within a month of introducing organic coagulants
Low cost
Size of company:
Medium (less than 250)
Advancement in applying resource efficiency measures:

Tackling the sludge 

  • Strategic use of organic chemical cleaners saves UK dairy € 50 000 annually
  • Reduced need for harardous chemicals and water savings as a direct result

Treating wastewater onsite can be a costly exercise.  A large British dairy set out to cut costs associated with wastewater treatment (150 m3 capacity) by implementing a new chemical treatment approach using a dissolved air flotation (DAF) unit, which reduces sludge generation. In addition to saving on operating expenses, the dairy also reduced its use of hazardous chemicals and associated corrosion of metals in its processes.

Key benefits

The cost of the previous chemical treatment regime included the purchase of such chemicals as sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid and caustic and anionic polymer, as well as fees for sludge removal and landfilling of € 84 404 annually.

By changing sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid and polymers to an organic coagulant, the company was able to reduce the cost of the chemical treatment by € 50 000 per year. And the volume of sludge produced by the treatment process was cut by 50 %, which had a positive effect on the cost of wastewater treatment.

Atana Ltd, 2017, Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Chemicals In a Dairy,

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