Support Programme


TESPI - Tool for Environmentally Sound Product Innovation

All manufacturing industries
Target group:
Energy Materials Water
Where is this support available:

TESPI is a free web-based tool aimed at supporting environmentally conscious design, taking into account the product life cycle, the customers’ needs and competitors’ products. It has been developed to support the first steps of product design, as well as redesigning existing products - in particular, modular manufactured articles that can be disassembled and each component analysed.

The tool is made up of two parts:

  • Quality analysis - the user identifies the customers’ needs and requirements, assesses their relevance and compares their own product with the competitors’ one
  • Environmental check - the user assesses the environmental performance of their product against a checklist (e.g. use of recycled materials, use of harmful materials, energy consumption, emissions, etc.)

The results are given in several graphs and identify the following:

  • Which needs are the most relevant and how the product is good at satisfying each need, in comparison with the reference competitor
  • Which eco-design strategies are the most relevant for the product
  • Which element is the most critical for quality (customer needs analysis) and the environment
  • Which needs and environmental aspects need to be improved for each element

Users need to register to use the TESPI tool.