Last update date 12 November 2021

Description of measure

The TTGV Xnovate programme offers tools for the discussion and implementation of new ideas and methods for communities to learn together with innovators. The programme consists of five sub-brands: 1. Xnovate Circle is a community of applications about technology and innovation; 2. Xnovate Fellows is designed to train innovation leaders; 3. Xnovate Lab is a platform to support the development of innovation processes; 4. Xnovate Havadis is a news channel about innovative ideas, working techniques, and examples from corporate innovation; 5. Xnovate Hands-on is a platform where new ideas, unique methods, innovation tools are discussed and shared. The objective is to promote good practices and improve member capacities for innovation processes to increase competition in the private sector. This measure does not directly target clusters but has the potential to facilitate their set-up and development.

Territorial validity
Thematic Priority
Strategic challenges
Type of cluster support