Using environmentally friendly cleaning supplies
Green, clean and surprisingly lean on the budget
- Green cleaning products cost 7 % less than conventional products per 1 000 litres used
- Less water is needed to dillute and dissolve green cleaners compared to conventional products
OEKO Institute in Germany has assessed the benefits of using eco-labelled cleaning products (i.e. Blaue Engel certified) typically used in households or other properties trying to use greener alternatives.
According to OEKO's calculations, switching to environmentally friendly cleaning products can be done at little or no additional costs compared to conventional multipurpose products.
Key benefits
OEKO estimated that 1 000 litres of 'green' cleaning liquid costs € 2 less than regular chemical cleaners (€ 23 instead of € 25), representing a 7 % saving.
Cleaning products need to be dilluted in water for plants to be able to properly dissolve them after they have been used. Green products require a lot less water to achieve this. For example, 1 000 litres of conventional multipurpose cleaner needs 28 000 m3 of water to be dissolved. Environmentally friendly alternatives require 10 000 m3 less water to remove the toxic effects of 1 000 litres of cleaning fluid used, making it not only cheaper but also much better for the environment and more resource efficient.
Oeko Institute, Umwelt-und Kostenentlastungdurch eine umweltverträgliche Beschaffung,