Using secondary materials in your business
What one company or sector considers a residue, byproduct or waste, another company or industrial sector only sees potential raw materials. More and more industries are trying to transform their waste into valuable resources. This can lead to a win-wins for both the waste generator and manufacturer using the secondary material.
Using secondary materials as an input for manufacturing new products can save on production costs because the so-called 'waste' is sold at a lower price than typical primary materials. Transforming a residue, which is typically a burden to dispose of, into a raw material automatically adds value to the material. It is redirected back into the value chain, which is key tenet of the circular economy policy promoted by the EU.
To achieve the benefits arising from this measure, the manufacturer has to identify the main inputs used in its process and explore greener alternatives, including secondary materials from different processes or industries.
In some EU countries and regions, there are state and local initiatives that support match-making efforts in this area, helping sellers and buyers of secondary materials find each other. This business-wide strategy is firmly in line with European circular economy objectives aimed at boosting global competitiveness, fostering sustainable economic growth and generating new (green) jobs.