European project GEMSTONE - GrEen Manufacturing SupporTing recOvery and resilieNcE of industrial SMEs is a project that supports European SMEs' in their transition to Green Manufacturing in five sectors: Aeronautics/Defense, Energy, Mobility, Agriculture/Agro-Food, Materials. Its ambition is to develop a service offering to support European industrial companiesr in their Twin Transition process more efficiently and faster.
This webinar aims to present the GEMSTONE financial support mechanisms and help SMEs to prepare their applications.
The agenda will be broken down into 2 key blocks, namely:
1) Presentation of GEMSTONE project calls and guidelines to potential applicants to submit their application
The partners will present the different opportunities offered by GEMSTONE project:
- Financial support for Training (TRAIN)
- Financial support for Exploration (EXPLORE)
- GEMSTONE INNOVATE calls: GreenInnov and GreenAdopt
The content of the different calls will be presented to the audience, as well as the application process and steps. For more information about GEMSTONE calls:
2) The second part of the webinar will be dedicated to potential applicants looking for a partnership
To support consortium development under INNOVATE, this session will offer the opportunity to potential applicants to present and share with other SMEs their solution or challenge according to their status (tech provider/ end-user). If you are interested to participate, make sure you select the option to pitch in this session upon your registration. Further guidance will be sent by the project directly to interested SMEs.