Analysis of Disruptions and solutions on European Value Chain (23/05/2020)
In the meeting on 23 May, the European Cluster Alliance is facing the Analysis of Disruptions and solutions on European Value Chains.
Starting from previous day discussions, related to the collection of signals of different supply chains that clusters and other actors are able to rapidly detect. The reflection of today concerns all disruptions and sharing methodologies.
In this point, the difference from supply chain to value chain is relevant. Supply chain is meant to be really physical, from a logistic point of view, producing product and bringing them to customers.
Disruption in the supply chain means that products are not reaching customers, because of problem in logistics, lacking of resources, missing skills uptake.
Value chain includes the value creation, where the value is added at different stages. Disruption in value chain could mean a reshuffle of where the value is created (and it could be in research or strategy, rather in logistics). I.e. in case of intermediate input, the value is started to be created outside
For each disruption there is the need of clear definition about the detection and about geographical location: where is the disruption affecting?
Is the disruption a problem of row material availability or a problem of production capacity? How to develop the methodology to detect and manage disruption? Is the public intervention needed or is the market able to solve itself, as new business opportunities for startups?
Please, join the discussion!
2020.05.23 ECA dailysession.pdfCheck the previous meetings and discover the next sessions.