Approaching the European Industrial Ecosystems: Digital. (20/05/2020)

By: Elisa Carelli
Created: 20 May 2020 - 07:05
Updated: 21 May 2020 - 11:05

In the meeting on 20 May, the European Cluster Alliance start to Approaching the European Industrial Ecosystems and discussin on a specific topic such as Digital.

Two expert joint the meeting:

Vasco Lagarto,

Isabelle Tovena-Pecault, Alpha-RLH

Vasco Lagarto present the portuguese national ICT Cluster

The ambition of this cluster it is to leverage the portugues ICT sector with main activies.

They start to talk abuot the future of technology with a strategical domains. With the technology they develop different projects  in different sector.

The cluster it is also involved also in international actions with different projects.

Related to COVID 19 they collect suggestions from the associates in order to speak with government in order to "easy" the life of the companies, sharing best practices, sharing innovation opportunities, implementing discussion in education and health, coopertion with regional entities.

Isabelle Tovena-Pecault, head of international & European Project of French Competitiveness Cluster Aplha-RLH, present a  photonic cluster with a strong component of digitalisation.

This cluster has two technological bases: photonic-laser and electronics microwave frequencies with other nine declinations.

The main goals are:

  • Support the structuring and development of our members (278 including 200 companies) as facilitator for research and business,
  • Support innovative companies in each stage of their development with particular attention at SMEs


ECA daily minutes 20.05.20.pdf

Check the previous meetings and discover the next sessions.


20200520-Cluster_Tice.pdf 20200520 ALPHA RLH_ECA20_05_2020.pdf

20 May 2020
The "Next Normal" of the Digital

Digital will be critical fot the future of economy and society after the pandemia. In terms of economy, firms - specially SMEs - will need to use the digital tools to readapt and renewall theira value creation processes, specially in terms of more innovation and creativity towards the contacts with suppliers and customers, with more competence and trust; in terms of society, we will have to improve the citizens digital skills so that they must interact with more confidence in a global environment of fear and expectation.

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