The clearing house on medical equipment (27/05/20)
In the meeting on 27th May, the European Cluster Alliance talk about the clearing house on medical equipment.
An experts joint the meeting:
• Annalisa TESSAROLO of DG Grow
Annalisa Tessarolo presents the clearing house on medical equipment project created in April 2020 during the COVID-19 crisis.
This project has two aims: have an overwiev of essential need of medical equipment in Europe and help the member state to collect in a simple way PPE for medical system.
The clearing house is focus in 5 products clusters.
The main goal is provide the best and most specific competences for service.
The members of this task force came from different DG in order to share the competences for the better results.
They developed a tool and create the Sante Data Collection Platform.
How can we share this work? What will happen after the Covid-19 in the health clusters?
2020.05.27 ECA dailyminutes .pdfCheck the previous meetings and discover the next sessions.