Clusters and transition (re-skilling, human capital) (11/4/2020)

By: Vasco Lagarto
Created: 22 May 2020 - 06:05
Updated: 25 May 2020 - 07:05

On the 11th of April the meeting was devoted to Clusters and transition (re-skilling, human capital)

4 speakers were invited to initiate the session:

Andre Richier, DG GROW

  • During the crisis, the companies try to reduce costs. The first things are travelling and training! It is also noticed that people with reduced skills have more difficulties to get or maintain a job. A revision of the last year actions was made (digital skills job coalition, better understanding of the needs of different sectors, identification of new skills and jobs,…). Due to the specific characteristics of clusters, its role is particular important on this area as noticed from the event (skills for industry strategy ) organized last year. From those results a special group on clusters was created and a first paper is being produced. Identification of key priorities is crucial. This challenge is also addressed to this forum.

Daniel Lumera & Roberto Pagani (Covid-19 : proposal for na integrated approach for health care systems), Mylifedesign

  • Health care workers….a mission, not a job. Heavy stress, difficulties to perform their mission in a proper way (lack of protecting equipment,….) lack of a known cure to the disease, vulnerable to depression, insomnia, compassion fatigue, identity crisis,…
  • My life design launched Med-IT-Aid promoting self-awareness leveraging: meditation, forgiveness…
  • Challenge: to build up an international taskforce to provide an integrated approach to wellbeing of healthcare workers.

Ines Dominguez, Cluster IDiA

  • Short presentation of IDiA. Focus on innovation but it also focused on training…there is a lack of professionals in the IT area. Reskilling and attracting young people to IT is also one of the main concerns, not forgetting also soft skills. At this moment, digital means are being used to train/teach.
  • Soft skills are becoming more and more important….a group was created to find mechanisms to face the new situation due to covid…new demands, new problems…use creativity to get new answers, new solutions!
  • Cooperation is the key…and in the case of Aragon, it was possible to join a group of entities/persons related with training/teaching. 

A short reference to CIONET work and the last digital meeting where was shown the impact of telework on the productivity of IT Working Teams…an important learning was that a larger majority of IT leaders felt that the productivity of the IT tteams has increased or at least stayed the same. The drawback is that demand will increase and the will be a lack of resources.

If there is a time to do things differently is this one!

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