Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative Plus (CRII+) (19/05/20)
In the meeting on 19 May, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus talked about modifications of cohesion funds to support in the coronavirus crisis: the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative Plus (CRII+). Three experts joint the meeting:
- Tereza Krausova, DG REGIO
- Marek Przeor, DG GROW
- Esteban Pelayo, EURADA
As Tereza Krausova informs, the CRII+ allows that all non-utilised support from the cohesion policy funds can be mobilised to address the effects of the public health crisis on our economies and societies. Certain procedural steps linked to the programme implementation and audit are simplified in order to grant flexibility, ensure legal certainty and reduce administrative requirements. It allows the transfer of resources between the three cohesion policy funds, or between categories of regions. Furthermore, it gives full flexibility on thematic concentration, allows to increase EU co-financing rates to 100 %, applicable for the accounting year 2020-2021, and lessens the administrative burden.
For SMEs, the modifications mean:
- possibility to finance working capital via financial instruments and grants
- eligibility of ERDF support to undertakings in difficulties linked to COVID-19
- flexibility in dealing with failure by beneficiaries to fulfil obligations in a timely manner for reasons related to the crisis
- financing of short-term employment schemes under the ESF
Building on the general overview, Marek Przeor shows to the group how the instruments are being used in different member states, giving examples from Spain, Germany, Poland, or the Netherlands. The situations vary from country to country, so the funds are also being applied in different manners.
Estaban Pelayo from EURADA, European Association of Development Agencies, present the regional development agencies and their work. During March and April, most of the effort were made towards ensuring liquidity and employment. For doing this, the development agencies use their own resources to react to the specific situations of the companies in their regions, and provide help in accordance with these regional needs.
As a need, Pelayo states that we need to rethink our management to have more flexibility with the use of ICT, and we could have easier reprogramming, monitoring, and impact evaluation.
ECA daily minutes 19.05.2020.pdf Summary_Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative Plus (CRII+) New actions to mobilise essential investments and resources_20200519.pdfPresentations:
European Alliance_CRII+_19052020_TK_fin.pdf EURADA - Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative.pdf 2020 06 EURADA News - Flexible Cohesion Policy.pdf Marek Przeor - CRII use by MS.pdfReplies
The role of the Cohesion Policy
Today we had a very interesting discussion on the role that the cohesion policy is having in building a common european approach to this crisis. It is very important to go on with these adjustements in the several european funds - specialy the ERDF and the ESF - in order to give governments and other institutions the possibility to mobilize firms, universities and centers of competence to a new contract of competence and trust for the future.
Details on ERDF and ESF
Dear Jaime, dear users, you also find more information on the modifications with regard to ERDF and ESF in the topic dedicated to teh CRII:
List of Structural Funds Managing Authorities
In this topic related to the CRII, you find a list of the Strucutral Funds Managing Authorities at regional level: