Homologation and Public Procurement-9/4/20

By: Vasco Lagarto
Created: 27 May 2020 - 03:05
Updated: 27 May 2020 - 03:05

The session on the 9th of April is devoted to Homologation and Public Procurement

Two speakers were invited to make an introduction to the subject.

Rui Soares, Centinfe

  • An introduction to Centinfe, explaining the main strengths and capabilities. He talks about EC brand and he guides trough the web page identifying the different type of medical equipment and its regulations. He shows also the process that should be used to provide the necessary information to the official entities.

Ramon Garcia, Citet

  • Experiences with the creation of a document with best practices to share them within the supply chain. It focus on the needs of the health care services to be known by the suppliers. The technical specifications of the materials/products/equipment are also identified. Besides Homologation, capacity to delivery is also a big problem! On top of this, is the public procurement process (together the payment process…). It is also demonstrated the fragile European situation from foreign suppliers (materials and equipment).

From the discussion it comes the idea to group the entities in order to reinforce its negotiation capacities…this could be extended to an European level…

How can be identified strategic assets in order to avoid repeating the same effort in each European country? This should also be taken care by the European community.

Alternative ways to homologate when the industry cannot do it immediately …

Suggested a data base to collect the needs of health related entities for the equipment that needs more investment in order understand the dimension of the products need and to identify the best process to manufacturer.

Mentioned an exchange of information among French and Spanish authorities to use the same specification for masks.

Importance of cooperation between health clusters and industrial clusters.

Proposal to have a table available to all the makers with the properties of materials that could be used in protection masks.

A “pool” for topics to be tackle in next week was made..social economy, realigning supply chains, ventilators, ict solutions, DiH, Funding, sharing of best pratices, how do we go back to work, …

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