New economy for the post-covid world (04/05/20)
In the meeting on 4 May, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus agreed that a holistic approach to the reopening of the countries and the building of a new economy is needed. What does this mean? It means that we need a full global view that encompasses the different sectors of our industries and societies, including e.g. labour, health, welfare, transportation, or education. The tendency is to manage the crisis sectorally. However, the sectors are interdependent. Changes in one sector have an impact on others.
Prof. Mario Calderini, Politecnico di Milano, presented the "unlock" model used by the Italian government to determine measures for the reopening of Italy. It analyses which sectors need common actions so that changes in one does not disrupt the other. Building on this evaluation, bottlenecks are defined and proposals that balance each other can be written.
How can we scale and adapt the ideas of this "unlock" model?