Recap of the week (12/4/20)
Vasco Lagarto
Created: 21 May 2020 - 10:05
Updated: 22 May 2020 - 06:05
The European Alliance Against Coronavirus had an informal Sunda meeting on 12th April.
The topic was the review of last sessions - what has been done and what can be done to improve.
Some tools were implemented - are they usefull? Should be modified?
"Guilles Rulles" to order the meetings (20’ presentation, 20’ identification of needs and 20’ for discussion of solutions), Slack area, the ECCP Forum (that will be managed by ECA…), Hackathon…
A summary of the things done by the last past weeks was made:
- Daily sessions for the last three weeks, linking makers from Portugal and Spain, transfer of knowledge in specific areas like ventilators, interexchange of masks specification between France and Spain, a possible platform to validate 3D new models, creation of strong links with the makers community and the european social and economic committee, the main problem is in fact not to be able to manage all the information collected.
- Reported a news made by Euronews about the work that is being done.
- Creation of a task force involving different actors to highlight the current difficulties and identify solutions.
- A dashboard with the needs and solutions discussed in the previous days was produced.
- Reinforcement of the need to promote the European Hackathon among all the networks that can be used.