The role of the circular economy in the rebuilding of our industrial ecosystems (18/05/20)
In the meeting on 18 May, Janine Borg and Carlos Trias from the European Economic and Social Committee presented the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform. Its goal is to accelerate the transition towards circular economy in Europe. For this, the platform has developed three instruments: a coordination group, an annual conference, and a virutal platform to share best practices, have a policy dialogue, and to exchange knowledge. Stakeholders from different areas are involved in the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform - civic society, public authorities and private organisation. On policy level, the European Green Deal includes a New Circular Economy Action Plan from March 2020.
Trias Pinto Alliance ECESP 18 05 2020.pdfMichal Leng gives the example of, an international network of more than 850 members representing social enterprises active in use, repair and recycling with 31 members from 25 countries. The reuse sector experienced partial or full closure of operations during the coronavirus crisis, and reported losses, liquidity issues, difficulties in accessing support schemes, and staff lay-off. The sector has shifted their activities to: provision of essential goods to front-line workers, food distribution services, provision of shelter and relief items to homeless, support services and networks for laid-off workers and vulnerable communities, or manufacturing of PPEs.
European Alliance COVID - RREUSE.pdfFor circular economy to be a pillar of the rebuilding of Europe's economy, Leng identified the following needs:
ECA DAILY MINUTES 18_05_20202.pdfReplies
New Challenges for the Circular Economy
Today it was a great session. The Circular Economy will oblige consumers and companies to reinvent their culture and their ways of organizing and interacting in a more uncertain and complex society. This crisis will represent a challenge for innovative and creative solutions that offer to our society a better quality of life and to our economy a more consistent and effective value creation process. In other words, as social and economic actors we will have to be more responsable in the way we contribute to the future of our communnities. Jaime Quesado
LIFE 2020
The implementation of the circular economy concept is one of the thematic priorities of the LIFE 2020 programme. The call for proposals is now open: