market place to match needs and supplies

By: Vasco Lagarto
Created: 21 April 2020 - 12:04
Updated: 21 April 2020 - 02:04

The marketplace, created during this pandemic to match needs and supplies, by bringglobal (, is ready for trials. (probably, it will move later but you will be redirected to the new link..). It takes in account the distances between the entities needing help and the suppliers, leading to the shortest way to match both sides. Although its original objective is to support the health care value chain, this platform may also be used to reinforce local and regional supply chains, reducing the need for long logistic times, reinforcing regional cohesion and helping also to identify the critical elements in the supply chain. The application, for this initial usage - pandemic situation - maybe used by any entity independently of the geographical region.

23 April 2020
briefly explanation of the solution

offering & demand to manage an effective supply chain

The main goal of the Marketplace is to support the needs in the front line and across all the ecosystem that is now supporting the fight against covid-19. Summarizing in a short way, the solution is designed to help managing the supply and demand from the healthcare points inside a country or across boarder, and also, to help in providing products or materials inside a country or across boarder. 
The solution is designed assuming several type of organizations/roles but is also supporting individuals with a different authentication/certification process. The organizations supported right now are:

  • The healthcare points that are basically, hospitals, campaign hospitals, healthcare centers, Fireman, and all the other possible types in the front-line providing help);
  • The providers: that are basically other organizations, providers or makers that want to fulfill the need from a healthcare point and can apply to fulfill a healthcare point (can be accepted or not). 
  • The providers that in of being makers, can also assume the role, of receivers requesting materials in the marketplace to assure that the production doesn’t stop, reinforcing the supply chain helping in the fulfillment according with the production needs. (e.g. a maker is requiring the material “x” to keep producing masks).
  • The “individuals” that are common citizens that want to help providing something that is required or just place an offering - meals, a caravan for the medical staff sleep near the hospital, whatever you can imagine.

All the entities can be categorized as certified organizations or non-certified, meaning, that the level of trust is theoretically higher if the matching is made between certified organizations. The certification process is designed to be done by stewards or system administrators in charge of that. However, is possible to evolve from a non-certified organization to a certified organization after an “x” number of fulfilments to a hospital for example (in our short term roadmap).

Security wise, the solution also predicts different profiles like data stewards for organizations, for countries, for regions and also different levels of access to the system avoiding risks security wise.

Having the data setup for a country done healthcare points wise, the next step is loading the data from products and their characteristics.  The goal of pre-loading the data is facilitate the adoption once we can add at any moment more healthcare points, more product families, more products and new providers/makers or they can register directly in the platform requesting also the authorization to participate at local or global level depending on how the country is organized to manage new organizations joining the platform. 

The matching is suggested based in proximity using the location defined in the system as an organization. However, you can change the delivery address in the shipment process. It’s not mandatory to select matchings based on distance but is the way we’ve defined to recommend the fulfilment. 

The marketplace doesn’t realize any financial transactions but allows to be registered the products pricing and the quantities delivered allowing us to do the math’s about how much was the amount in case of a transaction (to be used in case of need).

You can also apply filters by country, distance and family of products. You can select views like my requests, my offerings, all requests, my requests for all certified organizations, all requests for all organizations. In fact, you have “many to many” selections possible, to assure the main goal of receiving or fulfilling what is needed in the right place to save lives.

Besides some of the features mentioned in the previous paragraphs (is not exhaustive), next Friday we will have already available the dashboards with KPI’s showing information to support the management. KPI’s like what was delivered, what is missing, who needs more materials and the regions most needed, will be there and of course many, many more. 

Once is very difficult to explain the solution deeply without writing an enormous paper, just to let you know that we are available to do a full demo at any time. If you think that we might help, please let me know.


Nina Hoppmann
24 April 2020
Link to the topic

Dear users, you find the topic to this comment on how the marketplace works here: 

Jacek Kopyra
28 April 2020

Upon request for support from one of our members supplying anti-virus protection equipment, we are looking for carriers who perform air transport on the Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) route - to EU airports (including Warsaw).
The limit price we can offer is $ 6,000 per ton of transported goods (gloves, aprons, overalls, etc.).
It is possible to order charter even the entire plane. Current dates ...

Nina Hoppmann
28 April 2020
Reply Cargo Transport

Dear Jacek, thank you for your comment. Could you please specify for all users which cluster you are from and some information on the background of the search of transportation you are doing? Thank you! 

Jacek Kopyra
28 April 2020
Cargo Transport

Yes Nina, I entered the whole info here:

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