EU: support for agri-food sector

By: Nina Hoppmann
Created: 4 May 2020 - 12:05
Updated: 4 May 2020 - 12:05

The European Commission has published a new package of extended measures to support the agricultural and food sectors most affected by the coronavirus crisis.

This help includes: 

  • Private storage aid: the Commission will support private storage aid for dairy (skimmed milk powder, butter, cheese) and meat (beef, sheep and goat meat) products. 
  • Flexibility for market support programmes: the Commission will allow flexibility in the implementation of market support programmes for wine, fruits and vegetables, table olives and olive oil, apiculture and the EU's school scheme (covering milk, fruit and vegetables). 
  • Temporary derogation from EU competition rules: the Commission adopted such derogations for the milk, flowers and potatoes sectors. These derogations allow operators to self-organise and implement market measures at their level to stabilise their sector and in the respect of the functioning of the internal market for a maximum period of 6 months.

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