Mexico has an important and well-established community of clusters. Mexican clusters have been active in pursuing ESCA labels, and over 26 Mexican clusters have obtained the Bronze ESCA label. Mexico is amongst the key international target countries for the European Strategic Cluster Partnerships – Going International (ESCP-4i).

Detailed information about the Mexican cluster landscape and cluster policies can be found in the analysis report.

Economic and political context and framework

The United States of Mexico's (Mexico) economy is the second largest economy in Latin America. According to the Global Competitiveness Index, Mexico is ranked 57th (140 in total), the 3rd in Latin America ahead of Costa Rica and Panama. The GDP Growth Rate in Mexico has shown several fluctuations over the last fifteen years.


However, GDP growth has been stable over the last two years and is expected to increase in the next few years. Mexico is considered a country of services, since 59% of GDP is produced in the tertiary sector. Several industrial sectors are well developed and present a strong market potential in Mexico. These include: renewable energies, advanced engineering (manufacturing technologies, automotive and aerospace components or specialised alloys) and biotechnology. Read less.

Cluster community in the country

Mexico has an important and well-established community of clusters. According to ProMéxico, the federal government agency responsible for internationalisation and exports, there are 155 clusters representing 9 sectors throughout the country. Two types of clusters have been identified by experts in Mexico. The first one consists in a number of companies that cooperate with the aim of dealing with orders from large customers; these companies are also associated with supporting institutions.


. The second model consists on companies (equal status) concentrated in the same state that do not interact themselves, they only interact with suppliers and support institutions. The clusters are mostly concentrated on the border with the USA. Baja California and Nuevo León are the most relevant states in regard to the number of clusters, followed by the states of México and Querétaro which are located in Central Mexico. Clusters in Mexico are mostly active in the automotive, aerospace, renewable energy, biotechnology and ICT sectors. Read less.

Cluster policies encouraging the development and internationalisation of clusters

The Mexican Government has been developing sectoral policies that foster cluster activity, although currently there are no governmental national policies that support the creation, development and consolidation of Mexican cluster organisations. In 2012, ProMexico signed a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the ECCP aiming to develop synergies and relationships between clusters and SMEs in Europe and Mexico.Read more...

The EU-Mexico Global Agreement was updated in 2016 to ensure it is aligned with the current needs of both economies and focuses on supporting and structuring cooperation between the main economic sectors such as the automotive industry.Read less.

Cluster to cluster cooperation opportunities and potential interest from European clusters and SMEs

In 2012, ProMexico signed a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the ECCP aiming to develop synergies and relationships between clusters and SMEs in Europe and Mexico. Strong areas of focus for cluster to cluster cooperation have been identified predominantly in the areas of : renewable energies, advanced engineering (manufacturing technologies, automotive and aerospace components or specialised alloys) and biotechnology.

Key Facts

Capital: Mexico City

Population: 119,530,753 (2015)

Total area: 1,972,550 km2

GDP per capital: $18,857 (2015)

Gross domestic product: $2.224 trillion (2014)

Peso (MXN)

Key organisations and networks


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Check out what has been achieved so far in cooperation with this strategic cluster partner

Just in time for its 10th anniversary, the Cluster Automotriz de Nuevo Leon, A.C. (CLAUT) recently received the prestigious Gold Label awarded by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA). It is a recognition for the high-quality cluster management processes in place, rewarding the efforts made towards the positioning and growth of an organisation that strongly contributes to regional development and competitiveness.

Cluster Automotriz de Nuevo León, A.C. (CLAUT) is a civil association made up of manufacturers of the Automotive Industry, Educational Institutions, and Local...

ESCP-4is targetting this country

Acronym Name Technology Fields Sectoral Industries Targeted third countries No. of SME involved No. of Partners
EACP ABROAD Activities and Businesses from Real Opportunities for Aerospace Developments (EACP network) Brazil, Canada, Japan, Mexico, United Arab Emirates, United States 1355 11
Construction:F41 Construction of buildings
Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, Singapore
C2Future Clusters for Cities of the Future
E\: Fixed constructions:Building
Y\: General tagging of new technological developments:Technologies or applications for mitigation or adaptation against climate change
Y\: General tagging of new technological developments:Y04 - Information or communication technologies having an impact on other technology areas
Other service activities:S94 Activities of membership organisations
Algeria, Canada, Colombia, Mexico, United States 400 6
SpaceWave Clusters waving the flag to the internationalisation of European SMEs taking advantage of the cross-sectoral dimension of Earth observation for Blue Growth market Australia, Canada, Mexico, Morocco, South Africa, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Viet Nam 50 4
A\: Human necessities:Furniture; domestic articles or appliances; coffee mills; spice mills; suction cleaners in general
B\: Performing operations; transporting:Decorative arts
E\: Fixed constructions:Water supply; sewerage
E\: Fixed constructions:Building
Y\: General tagging of new technological developments:Technologies or applications for mitigation or adaptation against climate change
Manufacturing:C31 Manufacture of furniture
Other service activities:S94 Activities of membership organisations
Mexico, South Africa, United States 339 5